Sunday, November 7, 2010

Louisville Hardcore still on top.

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Demo Lyrics:

when the gavel strikes/order will take place/sever your ties with the free world/they can't help your case/your new life awaits you/the outside will have you shunned/you couldn't coexist/so get used to the bare minimum/you dressed a family in all black/so they could pay their respect/the life that you cut short/will never be brought back/the jury will soon decide/whether you live or fucking die/hopefully you'll rot in a cell/instead the easy way out/burning in hell/will the defendant please rise/you gotta pay for your crimes/so wipe those tears from your eyes/now is when you do your time

it's hard to know that this is not who i wanted to be/i never thought that i would turn out this way/looking in the mirror my face hasn't really changed/but the person looking back at me has seen better days/so easy to lose track of the things that keep us in check/so hard to get back up with so many things on your back/"but what if it's too late? what if this is who i really am?"/take it all with a grain of salt because this isn't the end/so sick of complaining when i remain so fucking stagnant/these days are getting so much longer i can't fucking stand it/no longer i'll sit here i've got to keep pushing on/looking in the mirror my face hasn't really changed/but the person looking back at me will see better days

our eyes will never meet/i stare at you, you look at your feet/two faces beneath your disguise/found no truth under your lies/you can't fool me/bleh/i'm looking through you like broken glass/you talk and talk/no ones watching your back/can't fucking trust you/can't fucking stand you

there's a river of bullshit flowing from your mouth/close the gates, gotta stop the flood/before it's too late, no one should have to hear/all the dumb shit you say whenever you're near/your fall is coming/better brace yourself/these kids don't get it/your words are bad for their health/everyone knows you don't like anything/you're oh so cool man it ain't news to me/keep the friends you have or make amends/because your attitude is bringing your end/the days are creeping/
you better watch your back/because they're making up/
for all that you lack/they say 'kill them kindness'/you couldn't murder with words/the only thing you've removed/are all the bridges you burned

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